Sensorex SX42810 inclinometer with threshold unit, 1 / 2 axis

Sensorex inclinometers 
  • Based on the SX 46000 inclinometric cell associated with an electronic circuit with three functions:
    - supply of the sensors
    - signal conditioning
    - thresholds detection
  • Single or dual axis
  • 2 independant thresholds per axis
  • Range available : ± 90°
  • Accuracy : 0,1° (measurement range < 20°)
  • Output via REED relay

Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Sensorex SX42810 inclinometer with threshold unit, 1 / 2 axis

Type    Inclinometer with threshold unit, 1 / 2 axis
Measurement range ± 90°
Output REED relay (unipolar converter)
Power supply 9 to 28 V
Temperature range -40°C ... +85°C
Protection IP65
Application All or nothing angle detection
Security function eg alarm or power cutoff
Horizontal stabilisation
For mer informasjon Klikk her --- Datablad

Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Sensorex SX42810 inclinometer with threshold unit, 1 / 2 axis

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