PCB Piezotronics model 905C hydraulic step pressure calibrator

PCB Piezotronics pressure calibration systems
  • A high-pressure pump exposes the unit under test to graduated pressure steps with dump valve for rapid, pressure release
  • High pressure dynamic and static calibrator
  • 0 to 100.000 psi (690 MPa)
  • For ballistic and high pressure transducers
  • Assures accurate, traceable calibrations
  • Turnkey system includes all necessary components
  • Windows PC supplies familiar, intuitive user interface
  • Setup tests, acquire data, save results, and print reports quickly with precision and automation
  • Define pass/fail criteria for each test and automatically recall them from the internal database
  • Prints customizable ISO compliant certificates
  • Automates calibration procedures
  • Automatically checks excitation levels against acceptance criteria
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