Solartron S953 magnetostrictive displacement transducer

Solartron displacement sensors 
  • The S953 VMAX Linear Displacement Transducer is the ideal solution for automation solutions requiring accurate feedback of continuous position
  • It is especially recommended in environments where vibrations, extreme temperature and contaminants are present
  • The S953 is an ideal solution when velocity and position need to be incorporated into the automation control system process
Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Solartron S953 magnetostrictive displacement transducer

Type    Magnetostrictive displacement transducer
Measurement range 25,4 ... 7620 mm
Linearity <0,01
Outputs RS, VP, CP and TP Digital outputs
IP Rating IP68
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Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Solartron S953 magnetostrictive displacement transducer

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