Sherborne Sensors A320 serie ultra-low range linear servo aksellerometere

Sherborne Sensors aksellerometere 
  • Fully self-contained – simply connect to a DC power source and a readout or control device for a complete operating system
  • High-level output signal
  • ±1/10 g to ± 2g ranges available
  • Extremely rugged, withstands 1500g shock
Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Sherborne Sensors A320 serie ultra-low range linear servo aksellerometere

Type    Ultra-low range linear servo aksellerometere
Constant acceleration overload  100g
Shock 1500g, 0.5msec, ½ sine
Vibration Endurance 35g rms, 20 Hz to 2000 Hz sinusoidal
Environmental sealing IP65
Temperature range -18°C ... +70°C
Resolution 0,0005 % FRO
Application Geophysical, seismic and civil engineering studies
Flight test monitoring
Structural monitoring
Low acceleration analysis
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Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Sherborne Sensors A320 serie ultra-low range linear servo aksellerometere

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