PCB Piezotronics model 378C01 1/4" free-field prepolarized microphone and preamplifier

PCB Piezotronics prepolarized microphones and preamplifiers 
  • Recommended for extreme accuracy applications where high frequencies or high acoustic amplitude measurements are required
  • Sensitivity: 2 mV/Pa
  • Frequency: 4 Hz – 80 kHz
  • Cartridge Noise: 35 dB
  • Max Amplitude: 170 dB
  • Temperature: -40 to +120 °C
  • Polarization: Prepolarized (0V)
  • Application
    - Precision sound level measurements
    - Research and development
    - Hearing preservation and safety
    - Leak detection
    - Gunshot analysis
    - Sound absorption

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Kontakt Hydex vedrørende PCB Piezotronics model 378C01 ¼" free-field prepolarized microphone and preamplifier 

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